2020 U.S. Presidential Election

Nov 4, 2020

The tightness of this presidential, election race is very nerve-wracking. I do want to give a big shout out to poll workers, whom are working very hard, and doing their best to count the ballots as quick as possible. Now, I have no idea who will be our president until as late as the end of this week. I’m trying my best to keep my expectations low, and expect the worst. Hopefully, the American people will not have to be as patient, but the results are up in the air.

I have a gut feeling that litigation concerning absentee voting will certainly occur, and election violence may occur as well. I pray that those concerns won’t become daylight. If the election so happens to continue well into the month, I think I will go insane. fsfnlsdknflkdsnlsd, the anxiety is very high. I need to calm down, relax, and distract myself around the 11:30 PM mark.




Death is imminent, but can’t commit to it.